The Instinctive Art of Linda Armstead
Post Views: 677 Was there a pivotal moment when you decided to be an artist? I have always been drawn to the Arts since... The Instinctive Art of Linda Armstead

Was there a pivotal moment when you decided to be an artist?
I have always been drawn to the Arts since I was a child, my dad would take my brother and I to the art museum on a regular basis.

Can you talk more about your style?
The Style and references that I utilized to produce my artwork is pretty much instinctive. I am continuously observing my surroundings and various people in the community.


Which artists do you feel closest to and which have had the greatest impact on your work?
Peter Max, Salvador Dali and the Afri-cobra group where the first artist that I was drawn to. At this time the artist that I find interesting are Woodrow Nash, Kenhide Wiley, and Skylar Grey. Although if I were to travel back in time I would give anything to be a student Rembrandt.

Do you work within a community or independently?
Generally I work as an independent artist, there are occasions where I will work in conjunction with other artists for the purpose of a fundraiser for charity.

Do you believe that true creative expression can exist in the digital world?
I’m a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to the medium and materials that I used to produce art. Oil paint, acrylics, charcoal, canvas or paper. I have not explored digital art, but I have nothing against the Arts form because art is subjective.

Do you want to add anything else or do you have any shout outs?
I believe that art is the ultimate form of communication, because it is Universal and self interpreting.